You Say, “I’m Pro Life,” But Are You REALLY?

I’m praying for those who have aborted a child as I cannot even imagine the pain this political season brings to them. Some who have aborted regret their decision later and this pain can linger for years and years. It’s a pain that isn’t spoken of except in the utmost of confidential situations like with a pastor or therapist. This can even be painful for men too, but our culture doesn’t seem to acknowledge this. I’m sure opening social media and seeing the recent reactions to NY decisions is haunting.

I am Pro Life. For me this isn’t just a belief but something I put into action to care for the orphan or displaced child.  When it comes down to it, it’s our actions that truly communicate what we believe.  This belief is also what causes me to pray for those who I know are suffering because of political posts if they have aborted and regret it.  To me, being Pro Life is respecting for and caring for ALL humans; it’s not just about abortion.  Pro Life means we value life from the beginning all the way until the end!

QUESTION: If you are Pro Life are you just opinionated, or does this belief affect your lifestyle? Does it affect your wallet? Who are you caring for that’s connected to this political issue? Posting an opinion on social media doesn’t change the world but caring for others does. What if every person who has shared a rant on here was actively helping out?

If you’re in need of some ideas on how to help or live out a Pro Life belief here’s a few ideas:

Good Pro Life responses are:

  • Donate to your local Pro Life center
  • Support a group home/orphanage
  • Take care of even just one displaced child through foster care or adoption
  • Support a foster parent, adoptive parent
  • Become a Guardian ad Litem and advocate for children in court
  • Be sensitive to others when you post on social media (pause and ask yourself about ALL the people an issue affects before you post.  Most rash posting is done in anger and can be causing more harm in our society than good.)
  • Care for the aging
  • Care for the disabled, mental and/or physical
  • Care for those who have made mistakes and are in prison
  • Care for the addict

We truly believe that which we live out. What do your actions say you believe?  What if we looked at Pro Life issues holistically like I’m suggesting here?

Yes, I’m aware this is my rant too… I just pray my words, efforts and lifestyle can lead others into action, the kind that really changes the world.

2 thoughts on “You Say, “I’m Pro Life,” But Are You REALLY?

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  1. I wrote something similar last year… it bothers me that a lot of prolife people will say they’ll take the child but yet they don’t step in to help the mother to be, it’s as if they think it’ll be just as easy to bring a child to full term and then give her away. The best way to help is to prevent an abortion from being needed in the first place. Teach the women to love themselves and the men to respect others… so many, many ways to help


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